Happy Palm Sunday

The Crucifixion

Week 5, Day 1: The Ultimate Sacrifice of Love

As we enter the fifth week of our Lenten journey, our focus shifts to the Crucifixion, the sorrowful mystery that encapsulates the ultimate sacrifice of love. This profound event marks the culmination of Jesus' earthly ministry, offering Himself on the cross for the redemption of humanity.

Scripture: John 15:13

"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends."

These words of Jesus, spoken shortly before His Passion, underscore the depth of His love—a love so great that it embraces even the most painful death for the sake of others.


The Crucifixion stands as the definitive revelation of God's love for us, a love that is willing to endure the greatest sufferings to bring about our salvation. This sacrifice invites us to contemplate the nature of true love—not as an emotion or feeling, but as a self-giving act for the good of the other.

Reflect on how the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross has impacted your understanding of love. How does this model of selfless love challenge and inspire you in your relationships with God and others?


  • Acts of Selfless Love: Identify one way you can practice selfless love today, whether it’s through forgiving someone who has wronged you, offering your time and resources to help someone in need, or making a sacrifice for the benefit of another.

  • Meditation on the Cross: Spend time in quiet meditation before a crucifix or an image of the Crucifixion. Contemplate the love that Jesus has for you, personally, and for all humanity.

  • Sharing the Message of Love: Share the message of Jesus’ love and sacrifice with someone who may be struggling or feeling unloved. Let them know that they are valued and loved deeply by God.


Lord Jesus, on the cross, You showed us the ultimate expression of love by laying down Your life for us. Help me to understand the depth of this love and to live it out in my daily interactions with others. Teach me to love selflessly, following Your example, and to see in Your sacrifice the model for all true love. Amen.

On Day 1 of Week 5, as we reflect on the Crucifixion, let us be moved by the ultimate sacrifice of love displayed by Jesus. May this profound act of love inspire us to live lives marked by self-giving love and sacrifice for the good of others.

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