Week 3-The Crowning with Thorns- Day 1: Overcoming Pride and Seeking Humility -

The Crowning with Thorns
Week 3, Day 1: Overcoming Pride and Seeking Humility
Entering the third week of our Lenten journey, we reflect on the Crowning with Thorns, a sorrowful mystery that deeply symbolizes the humility of Christ in the face of mockery and suffering. This week, we focus on the virtues that counteract the seven capital sins, starting today with the antidote to pride: humility.
Scripture: Philippians 2:5-8
"Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross."
This passage highlights the supreme humility of Jesus, who, despite His divinity, embraced the lowliest form of human suffering and death, setting an example for us to follow.
Pride is often considered the root of all sin, leading us to place ourselves above others and, ultimately, above God. It distorts our perception of our own importance and can isolate us from God and those around us. In contrast, humility frees us to recognize our dependence on God and the value of others.
Saint Teresa of Calcutta, known for her humble service to the poorest of the poor, once said, "If you are humble nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know what you are." This profound statement sheds light on the true nature of humility and the pitfalls of pride.
Pride often leads us to seek validation and admiration from the world, making us susceptible to the highs of praise and the lows of criticism. It distorts our perception of our true selves and our reliance on God, leading us into isolation. Saint Teresa’s words invite us to a different path, one of humility, where our self-worth is not tied to the opinions of others but grounded in the knowledge of our own strengths and weaknesses, and most importantly, our intrinsic value as beloved children of God.
By embracing humility, we free ourselves from the constant pursuit of external validation. We become resilient in the face of both praise and disgrace, understanding that our true value comes not from our accomplishments or failures, but from God’s unending love for us. This perspective allows us to serve others selflessly, love more genuinely, and live more freely, following in the footsteps of modern saints like Teresa of Calcutta, whose life exemplified the power of humility to transform our hearts and the world around us.
Reflect on the areas of your life where pride may be taking hold. How does it affect your relationships, your decisions, and your spiritual life? How can you follow Christ's example of humility in your daily interactions?
Acts of Service: Actively seek out opportunities to serve others in your community, especially in ways that may not bring you recognition or praise. Let these acts of service be a practice in humility.
Prayer for Humility: Incorporate a daily prayer asking God for the grace to grow in humility. A traditional prayer for this purpose is the Litany of Humility.
Reflect on Failures: Spend time reflecting on your failures and weaknesses, not to dwell on them negatively but to recognize your need for God's grace and the support of others.
Quote from the Saints
St. Augustine said, "It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels." This profound statement reminds us of the transformative power of humility both in our spiritual lives and in our relationships with others.
Lord Jesus, in Your crowning with thorns, You showed us the path of true humility, enduring scorn and suffering for our sake. Help me to overcome the pride that dwells in my heart, and to learn from Your example of self-emptying love. Grant me the courage to embrace humility, recognizing my need for You and the worth of every person I encounter. Amen.
On Day 1 of Week 3, let us meditate on the humility of Christ as He was crowned with thorns, and strive to embody this virtue in our own lives, countering the sin of pride with the grace of humility.

πŸ‘‰πŸ½πŸ‘‰πŸ½Click this Link for Week 3 Reflections

for Day 1 to Day 8

Link to Homily for 3rd Sunday of Lent- March 3


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