Pause 'N' Ponder-Bible Study

 Ponder on the deep truths, rich promises in the word of God.

JOIN US FOR -Pause 'N' Ponder, a bible study program of reflection and contemplation, where we pause to ponder the deeper truths of life and faith. Join us as we explore the mysteries of God's Word, pondering its wisdom and relevance in our lives today. Through thoughtful reflection and introspection, we uncover hidden treasures of insight and revelation. Let us journey together into the depths of God's love and wisdom, pausing to ponder His goodness and grace, engaging in discussions and sharing insights about applying key lessons from our weekly (Tuesdays) Bible studies.

Advance through the rich playlist above to navigate our bible study sessions 👆👆👆👆

Episodes 1- 6 focus: The book of Revelation

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