"Answering God's Call: Embracing His Purpose and Presence"

 "Answering God's Call: Embracing His Purpose and Presence"... by Fr. Patrick Etuk, MSP

...Today, as we mark the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time, we are presented with two powerful stories that remind us of the call of God in our lives. The first reading tells us of the call of the young Samuel, and the Gospel recounts the call of the first disciples of Jesus. These stories offer us valuable insights into the nature of God's call and the role of mediation in our journey of faith. 

In the Old Testament, we encounter Samuel, a young boy who heard the voice of God in the stillness of the night. In a world where prophecy was scarce, Samuel was attentive and open to God's call. The Scriptures remind us that God never ceases to speak; we are often the ones who are too distracted to listen. Samuel lived in the presence of God and loved that presence deeply. Unlike the other sons of Eli, he did not defile himself, rather, he consecrated himself to God's service. This teaches us the importance of alway seeking to be in God's presence and striving for holiness in our lives.

God's call to Samuel was dramatic and direct, a voice that called him by name. In contrast, the call of the disciples in the Gospel was more ordinary, mediated by John the Baptist. John pointed them to Jesus, and they followed Him. Andrew, one of the disciples, even went ahead to bring his brother Peter to Jesus. This reminds us that God's call can come to us in various ways – sometimes in dramatic moments of clarity, and at other times through the gentle guidance of those around us.

God's call is an invitation to be His friends, to be blessed, healed, and set free, to live out our true identity as his adopted children.  In a world filled with many distractions and conflicting voices, we must learn to discern the voice of God. This is where the role of the Church and mature witnesses to our faith become essential. Just as John the Baptist introduced the disciples to Jesus and Eli guided Samuel, the Church guides us in our faith journey through the preachers of the word and other witnesses of the faith we come across. We, too, are called to lead others to Christ and help them discern God's call.

Ultimately, God calls us because He has a great purpose for each of us. Simon, one of the disciples, had his name changed to Peter, signifying that he was to be the rock upon which the Church would be founded. Just like Samuel and the disciples of Jesus, we too must discover our unique calling. We must also recognize that Each of us is called to play a role in the salvation of others. When Simon responds to this call his name is changed. This name change signifies the inward transformation that Peter was to undergo so that he too will become a transforming agent in the lives of others. 

In the same way when we draw close to Jesus in answer to his call, he will radically transform us and empower us to make meaningful impact in the lives of others for the sake of the kingdom.  As we reflect on the call of Samuel and the first disciples, let us remember that God is continually calling us to a deeper relationship with Him. He desires to bless us, heal us, and set us free.  May we, like Samuel and the disciples, be open to His call, live in His presence, and follow Him with all our hearts. And may we, as a community of believers, play our role in mediating God's call to others and guiding them to Christ.

May the grace of God strengthen us on this journey of faith, and may we always respond to His call with open hearts and willing spirits. Amen.

Day 1 - Sunday: Responding to God's Call

Scripture: 1 Samuel 3:10 - "Speak, for your servant is listening."

Reflection: Today, we begin our journey by reflecting on the call of Samuel. Just as Samuel responded to God's call with the words, "Speak, for your servant is listening," we too must open our hearts to hear God's voice. Take a moment to quiet your mind and create a sacred space for God's presence. Reflect on the distractions in your life that may be preventing you from hearing God's call.

Prayer Points: Ask God to help you become more attentive to His voice. Pray for the courage to respond when He calls. Thank Him for His constant presence in your life.

Tips: Start a journal to record your reflections and insights. Practice silence and meditation daily.

Affirmation: "I am open and receptive to God's call in my life, and I respond with a willing heart."

Day 2 - Monday: Living in God's Presence

Scripture: Psalm 16:11 - "You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."

Reflection: Today, reflect on the beauty of living in God's presence, as Samuel did. Consider how your daily activities can become opportunities to be aware of God's presence. Recognize that joy and fulfillment are found in Him. Living in the presence of God does not mean that we should live in the church, as important as it is to carve out times during the day to be with Jesus, we must learn to begin and end every activity with him while doing everything to please him, doing all for the sake of his glory. 

Prayer Points: Ask God to help you recognize His presence in the ordinary moments of your day. Pray for a heart filled with joy and contentment in His presence.

Tips: Practice mindfulness, being fully present in your daily tasks. Take moments throughout the day to pause and connect with God.

Affirmation: "I find joy and fulfillment in God's presence, and I carry His peace with me wherever I go."

Day 3 - Tuesday: Striving for Holiness

Scripture: 1 Samuel 3:18 - "So Samuel told him everything and hid nothing from him. And he said, 'It is the LORD. Let him do what seems good to him.'"

Reflection: Today, meditate on Samuel's commitment to holiness. He did not defile himself like the sons of Eli but consecrated himself to God. Consider areas in your life where you can strive for holiness and greater consecration to God.

Prayer Points:  Pray for the strength to overcome temptations and distractions. 

Tips: Seek guidance from a spiritual mentor, a trusted friend. Make a list of practical steps to increase holiness in your daily life.

Affirmation: "I am dedicated to living a holy life, consecrated to God's purpose."

Day 4 - Wednesday: Discerning God's Voice

Scripture: John 1:35-36 - "The next day again John was standing with two of his disciples, and he looked at Jesus as he walked by and said, 'Behold, the Lamb of God!'"

Reflection: John led his disciples to Jesus. We also need to be guided to Jesus in our lives. We need good examples of significant others in our lives and we too are called to be signposts to lead others to Jesus by the way we live our lives. John witnessed to Christ with his words and his deeds. We are called to be like John in our dealings with one another. Let the light of Christ shine in us, in our words and in our conduct today. In every circumstance we should seek out how we can witness to Christ by asking how Jesus will respond in a similar situation. 

Prayer Points: Thank God for the mentors and guides who have helped you along your faith journey. Pray for discernment to recognize wise counsel. Ask for the humility to accept guidance when needed.

Tips: Identify someone in your life who can serve as a spiritual mentor. Reach out to them for guidance and share your own experiences with others who may need your help.

Affirmation: "I am open to the guidance of wise mentors and am willing to be a guiding light to those seeking their path to God."

Day 5 - Thursday: Leading Others to Christ

Scripture: John 1:41 - "He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, 'We have found the Messiah' (which means Christ).'"

Reflection: Today, consider the powerful impact of one person leading another to Christ, as Andrew did when he brought his brother Peter to Jesus. Reflect on the people in your life whom you have introduced to Christ or who have introduced you to Him. Is there anyone you can bring to Jesus today by witnessing in word or conduct or even in your prayer for the person?

Prayer Points: Pray for the courage to share your faith with others and lead them to Christ. Ask God to bring people into your life who need to encounter His love.

Tips: Seek opportunities to share your faith with others. Be a witness through your actions and words. Share your own testimony with those who may be seeking a divine encounter with God.

Affirmation: "I am a beacon of light, leading others to Christ through my words and actions."

Day 6 - Friday: Embracing God's Great Purpose

Scripture: Matthew 16:18 - "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

Reflection: Today, reflect on the transformative power of God's call, just as Simon's name was changed to Peter, signifying his role as the foundation of the Church. Consider the great purpose that God has for your life and how His call can transform you.

Prayer Points: Pray for clarity in understanding your purpose in God's plan. Ask for the strength to embrace His call and be open to His transformative power.

Tips: Seek spiritual guidance to discern your unique role in God's plan. Take steps to align your life with His purpose.

Affirmation: "I am open to God's transformative call, and I trust that He has a great purpose for my life."

Day 7 - Saturday: Living Out the Message

Reflection: As we conclude this week’s meditation journey, take time today to reflect on the lessons learned throughout the week. Consider how you can integrate these insights into your daily life. Think about practical steps you can take to live out the message of responding to God's call.

Prayer Points: Dedicate this day to prayerfully committing to live out the message of responding to God's call. Ask for God's grace and guidance as you seek to align your life with His purpose.

Tips: Create a plan of action based on the reflections from this week. Share your insights and experiences with a trusted friend or mentor for accountability.

Affirmation: "I am committed to living out God's call in my life, and I trust that He will guide me every step of the way."

May this 7-day meditation journey help you deepen your understanding of God's call in your life and inspire you to respond with a heart full of faith and purpose.

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